“ This book is a compendium of 15 years of its practice modes, developed through 4 chapters that summarize the research based design takes of Archi-Union, and opening up arguments and conversations around topics such as technology, philosophy, human-machine collaboration, material, tectonics, among others.”
Founded by Philip F. Yuan, Archi-Union Architects is a pioneering architectural firm based in Shanghai. In addition to project accomplished and prizes awarded, Archi-Union made continuous exploration on how geometry, digital technology and material are integral to a provocative understanding of design process and realization. Germinated under this influence and initiated in 2015, Fab-Union Technology defines it's mission as the platform of research and fabrication. Structured under three major orientation: computational geometry, robotics and fab-lab, FU lays a research foundation for the design process of AU. By far, the two teams have succeeded in several projects, including West Bund Fab-Union Space(2015), Pond Society(2016), In Bamboo(2017), Cloud Village(2018)
collaborative laboratory
Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers
Works of Archi-Union and Fab-Union
Book Size: 7.25 x 8.75 in / 184,15 x 222,25 mm
Format: Portrait
Pages: 400
Photographs: 160
Illustrations: 68
Language: English
Hardcover (978-1-946226-27-3)