Foreword by Rick Joy
Introduction by Renee Chow and Thomas Chastain
Project description by Greg Faulkner
Photography by Joe Fletcher
Edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda
Dense observation of the landscape, climate, culture, and existing uses and patterns of the site were worked out in conversation with the client’s mission to mitigate environmental challenges; Faulkner Archi-tects brings together site and home both phenomenologically in the design and technologically through sustainable features and practices.
Technically a remodel, the house utilized the footprint of the existing house as a basis for a new floor plan. An existing fireplace was wrapped in concrete to serve as a major structural element anchor-ing the new architecture. This avoided additional grading and left the hillside open and natural. It also placed the new home directly under the shade of the old oaks, in intimate relationship with the trees surrounding it.
This award-winning home is located on an eight acre, ex-urban property at the base of the Oakland Hills near San Francisco Bay. Formed of concrete and wrapped with Corten steel panels, the net zero energy res-idence is an elegant, low maintenance re-sponse to its context which is draped in rich green foliage and majestic native oak trees.
Miner Road House - Masterpiece Series
Faulkner Architects