“ The Chancery Lane house, a modern masterpiece, shielding the entire property in surrounding walls and a rich tapestry of vegetation, centralizing the U-shaped building around a courtyard of terraces, semi-enclosed bbq area, and a stunning reflecting pool tiled in shimmering blue and black.”
Introduction by Byron Hawes
Project Description by Ernesto Bedmar
Epilogue by Max Strang
Photography by Claudio Manzoni, Albert Lim
Edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda
The Chancery Lane house is a perfect representation of Bedmar’s ongoing interaction with his new language of tropical residential architecture. Evocative of the simple, open structures of times past, yet possessed of a modernity of spirit perfectly in keeping with contemporary life. The house conflates, rather than juxtaposes, indoor and outdoor spaces in perfect harmony.
Entering the property involves passing a stacked stone fence, thematically reminiscent of the ‘angkul-angkul’ fences that surround traditional Balinese properties, which are used as much to isolate views of the property as to protect inhabitants. Once inside, the building is laid out in a ‘U’ formation, with the house oriented around a central courtyard comprised of a large rectangular swimming pool floored with dramatic polished blue and black stone, and a sheltered outdoor bbq and living space. A pair of structures made into a single one, delineated through separations between the west and northern cross-sections via floating bridges on the second floor. All spaces are naturally directed inwards, utilizing the central courtyard as a natural focal point, underscoring the dramatic symbiosis between indoor and outdoor space.
Chancery Lane - Masterpiece Series
Ernesto Bedmar Architects